Public Relations Strategy Questionnaire
In your quest as a startup or small business, you may find it difficult to get your name out there or you may not have the team in place to manage multiple areas of your company. Below is a sample of our Public Relations Strategy Questionnaire that may help you determine if Couture PR + IC is what you need to manage your current brand or streamline the process of garnering promotion for your new business. You may find that some of the answers or processes you haven't tapped into are right here in some of these questions.
This questionnaire is designed to determine whether your company would a great fit for our public relations services and to help us identify where PR opportunities may exist for your brand.
1. Describe any unique characteristics or attributes of your company or its products and services that you feel would be newsworthy.
2. Describe the main industry for your products and services and list any industries that also benefit from your products or services.
3. How do your company’s products or services fill a targeted market in your industry?
4. What aspects of your company do you want to promote?
5. How are your marketing materials different from your competitors?
6. How often do you release press releases to the media?
7. Do you currently post news on your company website?
8. Does your company currently engage in social media?
9. Do you do anything on a regular basis to engage with your social base?
10 .What are the current roles or priorities of your company?
If you are interested in more information or have questions regarding, press release writing, trade media story pitching, social media training, local media story pitching, and blog writing send us your questions to