How to Target Your Bio to Attract Your Next Speaking EngagementHow many of you are interested in public speaking, serving as an expert in your industry, presenting to conferences, etc. How many are...
What You Need to Know When Pitching to the MediaHave a great idea, invention, new business or event you want to promote and highlight in the news but feel like you aren't being heard?...
Public Relations Strategy QuestionnaireIn your quest as a startup or small business, you may find it difficult to get your name out there or you may not have the team in place...
SOCIAL, NETWORKING AND ETIQUETTE- SHARE YOUR MAGIC!For those that are still getting to know me. Hi, I'm the founder of Couture Public Relations and Image Consulting ( Oprah is my fairy God...
Best and Worst of Public RelationsMelania Trump plagiarizes Michelle Obama's 2008 Convention Speech! This was Melania's most important and "influential" moment in front of...